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Lange Ladezeiten im Shop

Aufgrund technischer Probleme sind Produkte zur Zeit nicht aufrufbar. 
Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an der Lösung des Problems und bitten diese Unannehmlichkeiten zu entschuldigen.

 Versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nochmal.


Supplix Shop

(Products, Delivery Times,
Consulting, Sale)

Tel: 0421-8992 111


Supplix Help

(Disturbance & Help)

Tel: 0421-8992 100


Supplix Consultation

(Consultation and Sales Department)

Tel: 0421-8992 110


Efficient - Neutral - Flexible

In addition to modern procurement solutions, the core of the Supplix concept is the online shop portal. With this smart shop system, we offer our customers a comprehensive and neutral procurement solution on the Internet to cover and monitor all forms of electronic procurement. Many highlights help you in your daily procurement, such as free choice of suppliers, unlimited users and articles. The scope of services also includes functions such as own administration, budget management, cost centres, order tracking, storable lists and shopping baskets as well as connections of scanners and interfaces to your merchandise management.

Supplix is the e-commerce brand of Rubix GmbH with extensive C-parts and procurement solutions. In addition to the shop portal, Supplix also offers e.g. goods issue systems, scanner systems, magazine solutions or e-catalogues.

We will be happy to advise you competently and free of charge!