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Hi-perf. screw clamp 300x120mm



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Hi-perf. screw clamp 300x120mm
High-performance clamp KombiKlamp

Design: Fixed and sliding bracket as well as pressure plate made of forged special steel. With Vario clamping attachment - adapts to round, oval and square workpieces in angles of 60° inside and 60° outside. Easy conversion for spreading. Removable end-stop for quick resetting of the mobile bracket. Pressure plate can be removed without tools. Locking handle with plastic attachment.

Application: For clamping and strutting round, oval and angular items. Clamping force up to 7.5 kN.

Minimum Quantity: 1
Content Unit: 1
Cart and Inquiry are only available for registered, commercial users.
Delivery status
Span 300
Unloading 120
Sliding rail 30x15